Acupuncture for Lyme Disease

Acupuncture is a centuries-old form of treatment and an important component in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). TCM is more often called ‘alternative medicine’ in the United States, mostly due to the fact that it is not a science-based method of treatment—therefore, these (acupuncture, etc.) are called pseudo-sciences. 

Acupuncture is the practice of relieving joint and muscle pain by means of inserting thin needles into the skin. This form of therapy has also been known to help alleviate various other forms of musculoskeletal issues. Lyme patients and Doctor’s alike have noticed an immense improvement in their symptoms, such as chronic fatigue and emotional distress, due to the practices of acupuncture. It has also been noted that acupuncture can help in boosting the immune system, as well.

It is important to note that acupuncture, which can have positive effects on its own, is often used in conjunction with other forms of more traditional therapies (US) or herbs (TCM) to help the body to continue to cope and heal. Cupping, another TCM treatment, is often confused with Acupuncture. The two therapies are quite different. While they are both used to relieve pain, cupping also has the added component of detoxing the body of harsh toxins that have built up over time.


  • If effective, the positive effects are often felt instantaneously.

  • On its own it can be a more affordable option than long-term antibiotics or other therapies that aren’t covered by health insurance companies.

  • It is a very low risk form of treatment.


  • It is often not covered by insurance.

  • It is more effective when used in conjunction with other therapies, which can also become expensive (cupping, herbs, antibiotics, etc.).

  • It is hard to find practices that offer certified acupuncture at an affordable rate in the United States. 

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.